The new anime coming up. Called Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai. Ive watched the first 2 episodes and It seems pretty good. Its not ground breaking or anything but its a good anime to give a try. How bout giving it a look see?
Our new character named Kirino Kōsaka is your typical popular teenager with the cliques and the no no's. One of those no no's Is anime and manga. Which our Kirino Kōsaka happens to be obsessed with! If thats not bad enough. Its all about Brother and Sister love and eroges! When her brother Kyōsuke Kōsaka finds out about her secret, Kirinio Kosaka denys and then later gives in and gives Kyōsuke Kōsaka the ride of his life. He is forced to play eroges and finish, join our main character in a IRL meeting. Will Kirino be able to keep her secret? and Is the eroges really the only secret shes hiding? Maybe theres something else..All Of the eroge's sisters love their brothers... I think many of you will enjoy this anime. :)
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